3 Car Crash Blunders That Could Cost You Big in Fresno and How to Avoid Them


Car accidents can happen in an instant but leave behind consequences that last a lifetime. With the rate of not only vehicular but pedestrian-related deaths the highest it has ever been, driving safely at Fresno has become a risky business.

Many of these accidents occur due to common yet avoidable mistakes. By understanding these blunders and practicing defensive driving techniques, you can significantly reduce your risk on the road. This article explores the major causes of accidents in Fresno, essential prevention tips, steps to take if an accident does transpire, and frequently asked questions. 

What Leads to Most Car Crashes in Fresno?

While car accidents can result from various factors, statistics, and studies have shown three behaviors that contribute tremendously to collisions in Fresno.  If you find yourself on the receiving end of an accident, immediately contact a Fresno car accident lawyer:

  • Distracted Driving: Whether it be texting, eating, doing makeup, or improperly securing pets, distracted driving claimed 3,522 lives across the United States in 2021 according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). This makes it a leading cause of accidents nationwide and locally.

  • Speeding: While specific statistics are not available, speeding is known to increase crash severity and reduce the time available to prevent collisions.

  • Drunk Driving: Alcohol impairment significantly slows reaction times and impacts decision-making. About one person is involved in a drunk driving accident every 39 minutes.

By being aware of these accident catalysts, you can consciously avoid risky activities behind the wheel.

10 Must-Follow Tips to Stay Safe

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to minimize accidents in Fresno. Here are 10 expanded essential safe driving tips:

1. Always Buckle Up

Ensure all passengers wear seat belts or appropriate restraints for every journey. An unbuckled occupant endangers everyone in the vehicle in a crash. Set a zero-tolerance policy.

2. Follow Posted Limits

Obey all posted speed limits, traffic signs, and signals since they exist to protect you. Rushing only heightens accident risk and severity. Adjust your speed downward by about 10 mph in construction zones, school zones, intersections, neighborhoods, and areas of high pedestrian traffic.

3. Drive Focused

Avoid all distractions like mobile devices, which increase crash likelihood by up to 23 times per NHTSA data. Preset maps and music before moving. Only eat or drink when safely parked. Never attempt to retrieve dropped items while driving. Secure children and pets properly.

4. Never Drive Impaired

Intoxicated driving contributes to several different accidents every day in the U.S. If you plan to drink, pre-schedule a rideshare/taxi, public transit or assign a sober friend as your driver.

5. Use Turn Signals

Properly signal at least 3 seconds before every single turn or lane change. Before proceeding, check blind spots thoroughly by looking over your shoulder.

6. Service Your Vehicle

Conduct routine maintenance checks for critical safety components, including properly inflated tires with adequate tread depth, intact wiper blades, functioning headlights/taillights/signals/horn/sensors, tight wheel bearings, new brake pads/rotors, sealed fuel lines, and topped-off fluids.

7. Keep a Safe Distance

Maintain at least a 3-second following distance behind the vehicle ahead. Increase space during slippery, foggy or rainy conditions by adding 3 more seconds. If drivers cut in front, gently drop back again.

8. Adjust to Conditions

Drive slowly and increase distance based on conditions like rain, snow, ice, fog, smoke or bright glare that reduce visibility and traction.

9. Drive Defensively

Stay vigilant to predict others’ actions so you can quickly respond to mistakes or dangerous behaviors. Scan ahead for stalled traffic, debris, merges, and sudden slowdowns. Cover brakes and prepare to stop or evade.

10. Refresh Skills

Enroll in hands-on defensive and skid recovery driver training every 2 years. Also, brush up on the latest road rules and safety precautions. Apply improved techniques and updated knowledge to operate your vehicle as safely as possible.

Embracing these expanded habits deters common crash causes, saving lives.

If an Accident Happens, Now What?

Source: Center for Disease and Control

Despite best efforts, crashes can occur. If you find yourself in an accident:

  • Seek Medical Assistance: Attend to any injuries immediately, even if they seem minor.

  • Exchange Information: Collect license, registration, and insurance data from other involved parties. Jot down the contact details of the witnesses. Capture accident photos.  All evidence is useful for insurance claims, and worse comes to worse courts.

  • Report the Incident: Notify police to file an official report. This report proves invaluable for insurance claims and possible lawsuits.

  • Contact an Attorney: To recoup damages, an experienced car accident lawyer partners with you to build the strongest legal case possible while you focus on healing.

Taking these steps expedites practical matters so you can fully recover.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do immediately after a car accident in Fresno?

If physically able, move to safety and call 911. Administer first aid if anyone sustains injuries. Safely gather accident scene details like photos. Seek medical treatment as needed either onsite or at the nearest hospital emergency room.

How do insurance claims work for Fresno car crashes?

Auto insurance policies vary but generally cover bodily injury, property damage, collision, comprehensive, uninsured motorist, and personal injury protection (PIP) costs, depending on policy limits and deductibles. An insurer investigates factors like fault percentage to determine payouts.

When should I contact a car accident attorney in Fresno?

You should consult an attorney immediately following any accident you did not cause that resulted in serious injuries or vehicle damage. A lawyer handles insurance negotiations and litigation so you can focus on recovering while getting the maximum compensation you deserve.

Driving attentively, defensively, and soberly deters accidents. But when misfortune strikes, response knowledge helps minimize further hardship as you work to be made whole again. Prioritize your health and safety above all else.

On the Road to Safety

A vehicle accident can flip life upside down instantly, but many are preventable by avoiding dangerous driving habits. Buckle up, follow the rules of the road, and keep your eyes ahead of you instead of on your phone. Drive at safe speeds according to conditions, while being vigilant of other motorists’ behaviors. If a crash does occur, promptly seek medical assistance and legal guidance to aid in regaining stability. Protect yourself out on Fresno’s streets by driving smart. You hold the power to reduce risk and arrive safely.

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