bail bonds

5 Ways You Can Avoid Falling into Bail Bond Scams

If a friend or family member has just been arrested and put in jail, your first impulse is usually to do everything you can to get them out quickly. One of the best ways to do so is by working with a bail bonds company in Concord, NC.

These companies help get people out of jail quickly and easily. But while the majority of bail bond companies are legit, there are still scammers out there, and you need to be careful that you’re not their next visit. Here are some tips to help you out.

Verify that they’re licensed.

The biggest mistake you can do is work with a bondsman who does not carry a valid license. Such a person is actually illegally conducting the functions of a bondsman, and chances are they’ll scam you somewhere along the way.

So, insist on seeing a valid ID and license before conducting any business. If they can’t produce these documents, walk away fast.

Pay the bondsman directly.

You may have a crazy schedule, but don’t ever let someone else transact money on your behalf when it comes to working with a bond company. It’s much safer to do the transaction yourself.

This way, the money is received properly. Sometimes, people entrust friends or family members with money to post bonds, only for the money to disappear into thin air.

Fill out all the paperwork.

There’ll be some paperwork in the bail bond process. It is essential for the bond company to ask for such documents as the cosigner’s ID, references, and employment documents to ascertain that you’re able to support the bond financially. A bail bond agent that does not ask you to do any paperwork should make you suspicious unless the bond is secured by property or full cash escrow.

Insist on receipts.


This sounds like a no-brainer, but it is highly important that you get receipts for all transactions you do with a bond company. This way, you have proof of the amount of money you paid on a particular bond.

Always make sure that you are properly listed as the person that paid, and that the defendant, too, is clearly listed. If the company does not want to give you receipts, you have the right to question their intentions. Make sure you keep all the receipts well.

Avoid a disreputable bondsman.

As part of your due diligence, you need to find out the ratings of your prospective bond company. Look at what previous customers say about a particular bondsman.

If there are major complaints about the company, then take that as a red flag and move on to the next one with good ratings. If a bondsman’s name is tainted by a recent scandal, how can you trust them to be straightforward with you?

When looking for a bail bond company to help a loved one get out of trouble, you need to be vigilant. The last thing you want is to fall prey to some scrupulous agents out to scam unsuspecting customers.