8 Ecommerce SEO Best Practices To Drive Site Traffic in 2024


Search engine optimization (SEO) is more important than ever for e-commerce businesses looking to drive traffic to their online stores in 2024. With increasing competition and regular search algorithm updates, ecommerce sites need to constantly refine their SEO strategies to rank higher and connect with their target audience.

This year, the key focus will be on optimizing technical elements, along with improving content quality and user experience. Here are 8 of the most impactful SEO practices for ecommerce businesses:

Optimize Website Speed

Google considers site speed a crucial ranking factor, directly impacting user experience. Faster-loading websites tend to rank higher compared to slower ones. You can use a free website availability check to ensure your site is performing optimally and not experiencing any downtime. Implementing various technical improvements can significantly enhance site speed; here are some recommendations:

  • Compress large images and media files like videos. This reduces overall page size and load times.

  • Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML code by removing unnecessary characters to reduce file sizes.

  • Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to cache assets and serve them from global servers located closer to users. This speeds up load times.

  • To prevent render-blocking resources, defer the loading of non-critical JavaScript code until after the initial page renders.

  • Enable caching on your server and CDN. This stores pages in temporary memory and avoids time-consuming database lookups.

Ideally, aim for under 3 seconds of load time on both mobile and desktop. Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights and Pingdom Website Speed Test to measure and monitor your overall site speed. A fast site not only ensures a smooth user experience but also signals to Google that your pages are optimized.

Research and Target High-Value Keywords

Thorough keyword research is the foundation of an effective SEO strategy. Identifying and targeting high-value keywords with lower competition gives you the best chance to rank. Some useful keyword research tools are SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Google’s Keyword Planner.

For ecommerce sites, highly specific and “long-tail” keywords tend to convert better once ranked compared to short and generic ones. For example, “blue floral evening dresses” is more qualified traffic than just “evening dresses”.

Always research the searcher’s intent and create targeted content that directly answers the query. Optimizing content for voice search queries using natural conversation language also helps connect with searchers. This ultimately leads to higher click-through rates from search engines. Hiring a Shopify SEO expert can help guide you through the keyword research and content optimization process.

Recommended Keyword Research Tools


Key Features


Keyword volume and competition data, related keywords, SEO content gap analysis


Keyword difficulty metric, URL rating, backlink analysis

Google Keyword Planner

Keyword volume estimates, low competition keywords


Keyword ideas, monthly searches, cost-per-click data

Optimize Site Architecture

A clear, easy-to-navigate site structure helps search engines efficiently crawl, index, and understand your most important pages. Here are some tips to optimize site architecture:

  • Create and submit an XML sitemap to ensure all pages are discovered.

  • Implement a well-structured URL scheme using keywords, categories, and products.

  • Interlink-related products and categories with contextual internal links.

  • Eliminate crawler traps like infinite scrolls.

Conducting a site architecture review reveals technical SEO issues like indexation problems or orphaned pages. It also presents opportunities to better structure site content by relevance and logical hierarchies. This exercise is well worth the effort.

Enhance Product Page SEO

Product pages are the most critical pages for ecommerce SEO. Ensure you optimize the following elements:

  • Page titles and meta descriptions – Include your most important target keywords here based on the product and searcher intent. Keep them under 60 characters.

  • Content – Elaborate on product features and specifications. Answer common questions and concerns a user may have about it. Include benefits and advantages.

  • Media – Use high-quality images and videos that adequately demonstrate the product. Optimize alt text.

  • Structured data – Mark up product pages with schema or JSON-LD that includes price, reviews, brand, and other attributes. This enables rich results in the SERPs.

  • URLs – If possible, include the target product keyword in the URL for additional signals.

Optimizing these elements helps search engines deeply understand the page content so they can return it for relevant product queries. The better the page satisfies searcher intent, the higher it ranks.

Build High-Quality Backlinks

Backlinks signal authority and help boost rankings, so a thoughtful backlink strategy is required. Here are some proven tactics for building quality backlinks:

  • Content Marketing – Create genuinely useful, engaging content like blogs, guides, and videos that get backlinked organically.

  • Outreach – Identify relevant websites and influencers to connect with and politely request backlinks to your content.

  • Guest Posting – Write and promote guest posts on industry publications, being sure to link back to your site.

  • Influencer Marketing – Collaborate with relevant influencers and potentially get featured backlinks from their channels.

The key is to earn backlinks from respected, high-authority sites within your industry. Prioritize quality over quantity, as low-quality links from spammy or irrelevant sites can actually harm your rankings.

Leverage Social Media

An active presence on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter provides multiple SEO benefits. These include higher engagement, backlinks, referral traffic, and more brand visibility. Here are some best practices:

  • Share your latest content across different social channels to maximize reach.

  • Use relevant hashtags and brand handle mentions to tap into larger conversations.

  • Run contests, giveaways, and sweepstakes to boost engagement. Offer discounts or free products as prizes.

  • Collaborate with influencers in your industry to get featured or promoted.

  • Engage your audience through likes, shares, and comments. Build community.

The more you share high-quality, engaging content on social platforms, the more opportunities for people to discover your brand and visit your website.

Optimize for Voice Search Queries

As voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Home become more prevalent, voice searches are experiencing rapid growth. To capitalize on this trend, optimize your content for longer, more conversational queries. Here are some tips:

  • Use natural language and a conversational tone when creating content.

  • Focus on long-tail keyword opportunities around question-based searches.

  • Structure content to clearly and directly answer potential voice search queries.

  • Optimize pages to rank for featured snippets, which are favored in voice search results.

  • Create engaging audio and video content easily discoverable through voice queries.

Voice search optimization allows you to connect with voice assistant users looking for information using natural language and actual questions. Position your brand to take advantage of this emerging trend.

Track and Monitor Metrics

Consistently tracking key SEO metrics provides insights into the effectiveness of your optimization efforts. Some important metrics to monitor include:


Based on this data, you can identify issues and opportunities in your SEO strategy and allocate resources towards tactics that drive the best business results. Refine approaches that aren’t performing and double down on high ROI areas.


Given the evolving nature of Google’s algorithms and user behavior, ecommerce SEO demands continual optimization, iteration, and vigilance. Ecommerce businesses can boost their visibility and connect with customers online by investing in technical site improvements and delivering high-quality content tailored to searcher intent.

Prioritize optimizing the end-to-end user experience, from site speed to product pages. Measure your SEO efforts, stay up-to-date on best practices, and continually refine your strategy over time. Consistent effort will cause your top SEO tactics to compound, resulting in the growth of your organic site traffic, leads, and sales.

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