The Advantages of Automated Packaging Lines

man packing things in a box

Some companies may be reluctant to adopt automated solutions because of upfront costs for new equipment or employee training. Automated packaging can have enormous benefits, and new technology makes it possible to automate even more of the steps.

Automated packaging can refer many things to different people, and your interpretation will depend on your market. It may refer to the packaging of liquids or food in bottles, whereas others may interpret it as the binding and wrapping of large sheets. Automated packaging systems can package a variety of products and are often customized to suit the needs of a company.

Although packaging each product is necessary, it’s sometimes essential to box and palletize them to make them shipping-ready. This process can be called automated packaging when it is automated.

Automated Packaging Lines for Your Company

Your company can reap many benefits from automated packaging. These benefits can be tangible and obvious, and others are intangible but equally beneficial for your company and bottom-line profits.

These are some advantages of automated packaging lines.

Extra (or Improved) Quality Control

Automation solutions were not always strong enough to automate the quality control of packaging lines. Instead, humans were left with the repetitive and tedious task of inspecting all products.

This is changing thanks to the advancement of technology. Modern quality control systems have caught almost 100 percent of errors and make no mistakes. Food industry automation has taken full advantage of scientific progress. Every product, other than fruits and vegetables comes in some form of packaging, and this packaging is done using an automated food packaging machine.

The quality control system works tirelessly, detecting errors throughout a shift. It can be combined with other automated equipment to ensure consistent packaging and long-lasting productivity.

Increased Production Speed

Companies can significantly increase their production speed and product throughput by using the right automation solution. An automated bagging machine can bag products faster and more safely than an average employee.

Automated packaging solutions multitask and fold multiple steps in the packaging process, freeing up one worker and allowing numerous employees. The pick and place robot technologies can increase speed and enable packaging companies to shift staff to tasks requiring human workers. It can improve consistency and reduce errors during packaging.

Although speed increases can vary according to packaging types and processing, all packaging lines can take advantage of the consistent output provided by automated systems. This reduces labor costs and frees up labor on the packaging line, and automation can increase productivity and profitability by allowing the packaging line to run more consistently.

Higher Ergonomics, Lower Risk of Injury to Employees

package by the door

It’s common for manufacturing and packaging employees to do repetitive tasks for long periods. This makes it easy to develop work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), also known as ergonomic injuries.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, these injuries account for one-third of workplace injuries. These injuries often require more than a week to heal.

Reduced repetitive work can help employees reduce their MSD risk. Process automation systems can be a brilliant choice because repetitive tasks are often tedious or repetitive. It’s probable to increase productivity and decrease injury risk by swapping workers for machines in repetitive steps.

Lower labor costs

Packaging companies are feeling the effects of a more competitive labor market. The unemployment rate in the US is at historic lows, and consumer demand continues to rise. There are more employment options, which means workers have more choices and earn higher wages.

Automation is one potential solution. Automating as much packaging as possible can help companies ensure that workers only get hired when required and then eliminate workers from the process when they’re not needed.

Access to information is improved

Designers of packaging line automation systems place HMIs (Human-Machine Interfaces) at the top of their priorities. This improved HMI can make it easier for workers and managers to find information about individual machines and packaging lines.

This shift towards better information access comes when system designers are less focused on individual machines but more on integrated and turnkey solutions for packaging line automation. Workers will access information through an individual HMI. They may also have access to data and analytics from the entire process of packaging, which can help them make informed decisions.

These machines are also easier to use with standardized HMIs, reducing the training required for workers.

Manufacturers reap the benefits of automated packaging lines. These systems reduce ergonomic injuries and allow workers to shift to more valuable tasks by taking over repetitive and tedious tasks. These systems can increase productivity and quality control, which will lead to higher profitability.

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