The Snap Score Math: How Can You Make It Go Up?

With many people becoming more dependent on their phones, it’s no surprise that most of them are active on popular social media platforms, such as Snapchat. Snapchat is one of the best ways to keep in touch with your friends. And the best part is it rewards the most active users.

If you’re on Snapchat, you have a Snap Score, which is a metric that determines how active you are on the platform. You can easily find it, but understanding it is another matter.

How does your Snap Score go up? What can make it go up?

How Does Your Snapchat Score Go Up?

Snapchat has a number game of its own via its Snap Score. This score is the number your username logs whenever you’re on the platform. If you tap on your score, you’ll see two numbers. The first is the number of Snaps you’ve sent while the second is the number of Snaps you’ve received.

Adding the two numbers, however, doesn’t total your Snap Score. Snapchat considers other factors to boost your total number.

These include:

  • The stories you post
  • The number of Discover Videos you’ve watched
  • The number of friends you have
  • Maintenance of Snap Streaks with friends
  • Bonus points when you use Snapchat again after not using it for a while

These seem like a lot of metrics, but to raise your Snap score, use the app well. Use Snapchat as much as possible. If you do, you increase your chances of unlocking Trophies, aka the rewards Snapchat users earn. They come in the form of emojis.

To increase your Snapchat Score, you must regularly use the app, keep sending Snaps to your friends and have your friends reply with their Snaps.

To win this Snapchat numbers game, practice the following:

  1. Send more Snaps. We still don’t know much about the algorithm associated with increasing your Snap Score, but adding more people and sending individual Snaps to friends can increase your score. To increase your score, find a friend (or two) who wants to accomplish the same goal. Send Snaps throughout the day and watch your Snapchat Score go up. A side note: sending Snaps in group messages does not improve your Snap score. Send Snaps individually. Also, chat messages do not apply to Scores so send Snaps instead of regular texts.
  2. Make more friends. Making Snapchat friends might seem like a silly way to increase your Snap Score, but it can do so quickly. If you don’t have friends yet, search for popular Snapchat profiles and add them. This helps you make more friends and increase your score.
  3. Open Snaps regularly. When another user sends a Snap, open it and respond to it. Whether you’re receiving or sending Snaps, you increase your score with both. No matter what the content is, check your Snaps every day.
snapchat icon
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Other Frequently Asked Questions About the Snapchat Score

The Snapchat Score is a thrilling feature of the app, but it can be challenging and, understandably, you have plenty of questions.

Here are frequently asked questions concerning Snap Scores.

Where Can I Find My Snap Score?

They’re pretty easy to find. All you have to do is open the app and tap your profile icon. You’ll see your points underneath your avatar and name. If you want to find another user’s Snapchat Score, tap on your profile and scroll down to see “My Friends.” Tap on the a friend’s icon and you’ll see their Snap Score below their name and avatar.

How Much Does Your Snap Score Go Up Per Snap?

According to Snapchat, your score is the combined number of the Snaps you’ve received and sent. You earn ONE point for every Snap you receive and another point for every Snap you send.

How Fast Does Your Snap Score Go Up?

So if your Snap Score goes up a point whenever you send or receive a snap, it makes sense to keep doing both so you can increase your scores faster. It takes a week before your new score will reflect on the platform.

What Is The Average Snap Score?

The average Snapchat Score plays between 50,000 to 75,000. As mentioned above, your Snap Score depends on how regularly you use the app. The user with the highest Snapchat score is dion-19 who has more than 60 million, followed by user cris_thisguy with more than 50 million.

How are Snapchat Scores Calculated?

Snapchat Scoring combines all of your activities on the app, like the number of Snaps you receive and send. As mentioned above, Snapchat hasn’t revealed the worth of each action, but the best way to keep your scores up is to keep up the streaks.

Can My Snapchat Score Go Down?

Good news! It can’t.

Your Snap Score goes up when you are active on Snapchat. But if you become inactive, you’re not going to lose points. On the contrary, Snapchat rewards those who have been inactive for a while and choose to pick up the app again. But if you want to increase your score, it’s best to stay active!

Why Should I Bother With Increasing my Snapchat Score?

Many people ask how they will benefit from increasing their Snap Score. After all, isn’t this just a number?

Think of your Snap Score as the karma points on Reddit. They don’t seem important at first, but they are great ways to track your progress, add some thrill to your social media use and keep up your engagement levels.

What Should I Do If My Snap Score Isn’t Updating?

If you have been using the app regularly and noticed that your Snap Score remains the same, don’t panic. Here are some steps to take:

  1. Update your app to the most recent version available.
  2. It could be a system glitch so wait for a couple of hours. Restart your phone and check your score the next day.
  3. If these measures don’t work, get in touch with Snapchat. They can help troubleshoot your case.

The Bottom Line

Now that you know the basic mechanics of Snapchat Scores, avoid looking for online services or websites that guarantee higher scores. At the end of the day, your online activity influences your Snapchat Score. So when you want higher scores, keep using the app.

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