The Top Side Businesses to Work For

The Top Side Businesses to Work For

Are you trying to make more money this year? If so, you may want to consider getting into a side business. With the right choice, that side hustle can turn into a lucrative full-time business. If you’re not sure where to start, here are some of the top side businesses you should consider working for or starting on your own.

Repairable Salvage Cargo Vans For Sale

Are you good with your hands and love using them to work on cars? If not, why not kick your mechanic skills up a notch by working with repairable salvage cargo vans? It’s a good opportunity to buy cheap vehicles at a good price and sell them at a profit. The top side businesses to work for will usually have a low overhead to start with so you can increase your chances of having a return on your initial investment. After all, people will need vehicles to get around with it, and when it comes to cargo vans, there are many uses for them.

You can always start by buying a couple of vans, repairing them, and taking your initial profit to add to your fleet. The reason why this is such a top business to consider is that cargo vans are in high demand by businesses all over the country. People need cargo vans to transport goods and equipment. For example, you’ll notice construction companies will use vans to pick up and transport workers throughout the day.

Since businesses need them for their work, it’ll make these cargo vans easier to sell. In addition to construction companies, other businesses such as local movers and delivery services, also need vans for their day-to-day work. After all, in the United States, just about anything ranging from groceries to Amazon packages, to catering, goods can be delivered to someone’s home or company, so the relevant businesses will need the proper vehicles to do that.

The great thing about starting with cargo vans is that it leaves room for growth when it comes to your side hustle and business acumen. Once you get your fleet established, you can continue your expansion in the top side businesses to work for. After all, since you’ll have the vehicles to transport goods, you can also create side hustles from those other in-demand items.

Detox Products

As you know, more Americans are into health than ever. The country is covered in gyms and fitness centers, and more people have become even more aware of their health and need to stay healthy in the wake of the pandemic. Therefore, starting a local detox business can be just what the doctor ordered for your neighbors, family, friends, and anyone who wants to improve their health.

Starting a local detox business gives you a wide range of products to work with. You may have used some detox products yourself and realized that you could sell a similar item or better. One or more popular items that people use include detox teas. There are so-called diet teas, which can help people speed up their metabolism or burn fat. Then some plants and herbal teas naturally known for detox, such as dandelion, ginger, and burdock root. While there is competition in the detox market, you can stand up from the pack with good packaging and marketing.

The detox industry is among the top side businesses to work for not just for its high demand, but because of its low overhead. Do you already have a space to work from? You can begin ordering products and packaging them with your company label. Store and sell items from your garage or shed. If your business grows large, you can always outsource your items to a local warehouse.

Don’t forget about the possibility of detox services. In addition to selling detox products like teas, powders, and shakes, you could also provide services to customers. You can eventually scale your company into a mini Wellness Center. Your detoxing services can include a full detox treatment that can help people lose weight, get rid of intestinal worms, detox their skin, etc. Don’t worry, you don’t need to know everything as you can always bring in another person or two to work with you over time.

Your detox services can be just the beginning of your overall health and Wellness career. After all, medical spas are gaining in popularity since people want alternative health services beyond a regular hospital or clinic. Medical spas offer a range of services ranging from medical weight loss to hormone replacement to microneedling. If you see such services in your future, becoming a local detox expert is a good way to start and get your name known in the Wellness industry.

Business Consultant

Becoming a business consultant is one of the top side businesses to work for since you don’t have to do any additional training to get started. When you’re working as a business consultant, you’re advising clients on expertise that you have already been established in. You may want to help local businesses acquire property. Do you know about taxes and investments or have a background in accounting? Well, there certainly are businesses and individuals who could use your assistance.

One of the more popular types of business consultancy is life coaching. A life coach can work with an individual contractor or be on deck for a company’s corporate suite. After all, life coaches specialize in helping people meet their goals. They can help you take a realistic look at where you’re at now and hold you accountable for maintaining the steps you need to take to reach your specific goals. Life coaches help many people maintain a better work-life balance so they can feel more fulfilled.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking you could only be a business consultant for skills that you’ve punched a clock to do. You may be an expert at a particular hobby and you can share that skill set with the right company or entrepreneur. For example, there may be people who want to make their workspaces look prettier. Even if you don’t have an official degree in art or interior design, if you can show pictures of the work you’ve done in your home and other homes, that might be enough to get your side hustle started. The sky is the limit as a business consultant when you know what you’re doing and people have use for your services.

Fullfillment Contractor

Why is fulfillment one of the top side businesses to work for? If you’re not sure why this business would be a lucrative side business to work for or get involved in, take a good look at all of the delivery trucks on the road. Think of all the packages that you and other friends and family receive. If you work at a nine-to-five business, think of all the packages your company takes in day-to-day.

Packages have to come from somewhere. When you have a fulfillment side business, you’re dealing with storage, packaging, and shipping assistance that sellers need. All businesses and various e-commerce companies may need such fulfillment help. Even if a business is thriving by selling many products, it may not yet have the resources to handle all of the customer order fulfillment by itself. Therefore, they may need a third-party fulfillment business and that is where you can come in. While working as the fulfillment contractor, you’ll take the place of warehouse logistics by handling the packages, materials, couriers, delivery, and whatever else is needed to get the package from point A to B.

Bail Bonds

You may know that the United States has more people incarcerated than any other country. However, everyone sitting in a jail cell isn’t necessarily a hardened criminal. Many people are sitting in jail waiting for trial because they couldn’t post bail. In some cases, some people have been sitting in jail cells for years awaiting trial. By becoming or working with a bail bondsman, you can help take the relief off of family and friends who may want to help someone get out of jail and prepare for a proper trial.

Accident Lawyer

Accidents happen every day. Accidents can happen in the workplace or on the street corner. One of the most common accidents or vehicle collisions that can cause great damage to individuals and property. While you can’t become a lawyer overnight, this is one of the top side businesses to work for because it can give you the space to work with legal professionals who know what they’re doing. Many of these lawyers need paralegals and other assistants who can help them during late hours, overnight, or on weekends. You may be encouraged to go to law school and you would have the right initial training to do so by working at a law office. Or you may decide to gravitate into another legal profession by choosing this side business.

Personal Injury Lawyer

Personal injury lawyers are in high demand. Unfortunately, personal injury cases are a common occurrence. These professionals are dealing with workers’ compensation claims such as slips and falls or broken bones. They’re corresponding with Insurance companies and helping people get compensation due to hit-and-runs or other vehicle collisions. They may be dealing with someone who’s healing from a dog bite. If you’re looking for the top side businesses to work for when interested in civil law, working with a personal injury lawyer may be the right solution for you.

Animal Services

Do you love animals? The top side businesses to work for include a range of animal services from dog walking to boarding. If you seriously enjoy being around dogs, you could start a side business simply walking them. You shouldn’t have a shortage of dogs for your first customers, as dogs are still the most popular animal in American homes. If you have the space, you could also start a side hustle as a dog boarder or doggy daycare. With so many people busy working or taking vacations where they can’t take their furry friend, having a trustworthy boarding service is essential.

If you care about animal welfare, why not try to work with an emergency vet? If you love all animals, not just dogs, working with a veterinarian gives you a chance to work with a range of furry friends. You may get a foot in the door by seeing if your local veterinarian needs help by way of administrative services. If you start your side business as a boarder or dog walker, you may be someone the vet can refer once you establish a relationship.

Driveway Contractor

A properly paved driveway is essential for any safe home. After all, your driveway is the path from your garage to the street, and your tires can get injured in that short amount of time. If your driveway has cracks or potholes, it’s a detriment to anyone walking in that space. By operating as a concrete driveway contractor, you’ll provide a needed service that can help keep people’s properties safe and enhance curb appeal.

Waste Management

Handling wastewater is a viable skill that businesses and residences need. Therefore, a sewage professional is one of the top side businesses to work for. In this industry, you’ll always have work because, at the end of the day, people must use the bathroom, wash their hands, and shower. In other words, they need a place to get rid of their wastewater. They also need to ensure this wastewater doesn’t back up into their property and cause damage or a health hazard. You may work with a company that handles septic or cesspool pumping. Cesspool pumps remove the sewage from cesspools that collect and store wastewater over time.

When choosing among the top side businesses to work for, you have many options to consider. Some businesses will be easier for you to start on your own. However, there are some side businesses where you’re more than likely to get your start by working with someone else’s business or side hustle. Either way, you have many opportunities to grow a skill you already have or learn a new one. Hopefully, this list will guide you as you create your ideal side hustle this year.